Sunday, November 22, 2015

Falafel Slider

Falafel - A Special Health Food for All Ages

Don't know why, I always love this special treats. Instead of oily deep fried falafel, I always make it with pan seared with very little oil then covered lightly steamed with its own moisture. The fragrance of cumin, fennel, coriander and fresh cilantro makes you feel relax and calm. It is so easy to make. Try it and you will love it.

Ingredients -

Soaked Garbanzo Beans ( Chickpeas ) 3 cups, Fresh Cilantro 1 cup, Sea Salt 1 tsp, Juice of 1 Lemon, Olive Oil 2 tbsp, Ground Spices ( Cumin 1 tbsp, Fennel 1 tbsp, Coriander 1 tbsp, Green Cardamon 5 pods, Black Mustard Seeds 1 tbsp )

1.  Lightly toasted the spices and ground it.
2.  Put the drained the soaked garbanzo beans in food processor and coarsely grind it.
3.  Coarsely chopped cilantro and put into food processor. Pause few times to combine with beans.
4.  Add lemon juice, sea salt, olive oil and spices. Gently process it until it becomes dry crumbly mixture. ( If too dry, add more lemon juice or olive oil. If too wet, add little flour or corn meals. )
5.  Heat the skillet. Add little oil and turn to medium heat.
6.  Scoop mean mixture and shape it into small hamburger patty. Slightly pan seared one side for 2 minutes, then turn it over. Covered and reduce to low heat for 5 minutes.
7.  Continue to pan fried it and flip sides every 1 minutes until both side turn golden brown.
8.  Served with hummus.

Soaked Garbanzo Beans

Pan Seared Falafel Slider Patty

Falafel Slider Patties

Thick and Rich Hummus

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