Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Milk Kefir

Milk Kefir
- an enriched probiotics naturally fermented milk

Back in years ago during the business trips in Europe, I have encountered this wonderful tasteful beverage. It is enriched with all types of probiotics, amino acids and vitamins, especially vitamin B-group and D, according to the local people. Tried few times and I like it very much.

I saw this product in the supermarkets and it costs $5.49 for a quart, while a gallon milk only cost about $2.79.  This made me searching for more information about milk kefir. The more information I found, the more intention to drive me into making it at home.

Got the milk kefir grains ( MKG ) from local Cariglist earlier this year. Purchase a dozen of glass mason jars, a bag of plastic lids for the jars and 2 gallon of whole milk. We started our homemade milk kefir.

Milk Kefir Grains ( MKG )

In the beginning, we selected the 2-steps fermentation process. By end of the fermenting cycle, the kefir is more thick and rich, and more tasteful. According to the information that stated in the superfood, end products of this process contains at least 6 times probiotics and amino acid more than 1 step fermentation. It also contains 60 times more nutrients tan yogurt and fruit enzyme.

Our fermentation process is as follows.

1st fermentation -

1. Place the strained MKG in the empty glass jar.
2. Filled with cold whole milk to the neck of the jar ( approximately 1 qt ).
3. Gently stir with a plastic rod, or just gently swirl the jar to lightly mix the MKG with the milk.
4. Light twist on the plastic lid. Leave some gap to allow the MKG to breath. Leave it in the food pantry for 12 - 18 hrs.

2nd fermentation -

1. Strained the milk kefir with plastic strainer at the end of 1st fermentation.
2. Scooped out the MKG and put it back to the original jar. Filled the jar with enough milk to cover the grains and put it back to the pantry. ( This process is to make the starter for the new batch. )
3. Put the strained kefir in another glass jar. Tighten the plastic lid and put it back to the pantry.
4. Leave it in the pantry for 6 hours to complete the 2nd fermentation process.
5. After 6 hours, store the milk kefir in the frig or you can consume it right away. The longer you keep it in the frig, the thicker and sour it will become, and the more nutrients it will turn out.
6. Fill the starter jar ( step 2 above ) with whole milk to the neck to start the new batch 1st fermentation process.

Each complete fermentation process is exact 24 hours. You harvest almost 1 qt of milk kefir a day.

You can skip the starter making step during the summer time. But, it will help the fermentation process during the cold seasons.

If you are lactose sensitive like me, milk kefir is good for you. If you have bowel movement, indigestion or stomach gas problem, milk kefir can help you overcome it easily.

We mixed the milk kefir with fresh juice as breakfast drinks when we started to make kefir. Now, we have it at night to make green smoothies, as well. 2 cups a day and make you feel great.

Milk Kefir at the end of 2nd-fermentation process